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All RBI circulars on 500 and 1000 rupee currency demonetisation


Nov 28, 2016
Withdrawal of cash from bank deposit accounts - Relaxation 24 kb
Chest Guarantee Scheme for Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) – CGSS 21 kb
Auction of Government of India Dated Securities 72 kb
Auction for Sale (Re-issue) of Government of India Floating Rate Bonds 2024 22 kb
Auction for Sale (Re-issue) of ‘7.61 per cent Government Stock, 2030' 18 kb
Auction for Sale of New Government Stock of 17 Year 22 kb
Auction for Sale (Re-issue) of ‘7.06 per cent Government Stock, 2046’ 20 kb
Nov 27, 2016
Chest Guarantee Scheme for Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) - CGSS (Corrected) 87 kb
Nov 26, 2016
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 – Section 42(1A) Requirement for maintaining additional CRR 24 kb
Nov 25, 2016
Withdrawal of cash – Weekly limit 37 kb
Exchange facility to foreign citizens 22 kb
Liquidity Adjustment Facility – Oil Marketing Companies’ Government of India Special Bonds (Oil Bonds) as eligible collateral under LAF/MSF and Removal of Margin Requirement for Reverse Repos 69 kb
Nov 24, 2016
Discontinuation of over the Counters Exchange of SBN 20 kb
Withdrawal of Specified Banknotes : Cash requirements of pensioners and Armed Forces Personnel 54 kb
Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) - Deposit under Guarantee Scheme to decongest the storage facilities at banks 42 kb
Special knowledge or practical experience useful to banking companies 116 kb
Nov 23, 2016
Deposit of specified banknotes (SBN) in Small Savings Schemes 84 kb
Nov 22, 2016
Special Measures to incentivise Electronic Payments – (i) Enhancement in Issuance Limits for PPIs in India (ii) Special measures for merchants 208 kb
Cash Withdrawal for purpose of Celebration of Wedding – Modification 56 kb
Making Cash available for Rabi Crop Season – Advisory to Banks 59 kb
Fraudulent Practices 54 kb

Much awaited LD Clerk 2016 notification out

                       Kerala Public Service Commission (PSC) announced new recruitment for the selection to the Lower Division Clerk (LD Clerk) in various Government Departments in Kerala Category No. 414/2016. This exam helps various jobs in Kerala.
                Kerala PSC announced the latest notification of  Lower Division Clerk (LDC) Recruitment 2016 in 14 Districts in Kerala. Apply for your PSC Applications through online after the date of notifications.
 Category no. 414/2016

Name of Post : Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
Scale of Pay : Rs 19000-43600/-
Gazette Date:25/11/2016
Last Date: 28/12/2016 Wednesday up to 12 midnight.
Qualification: SSLC or equiavalent

                       Applicants shall be submitted online only through Kerala PSC thulasi login or official website is www.keralapsc.gov.in after “ONE TIME REGISTRATION”. Candidates who have already registered can apply through their profile.
                       The photo uploaded through One Time Registration should be taken after 31.12.2010 and also bear the name of candidate and date of photo taken should in the bottom of the photograph.

                       The uploaded photo will be having a validity of ten years from the date of photograph taken. Detailes notified in Kerala PSC Official Website.


Departmental Test

                     Notification for the Departmental Test - Jan 2017 has been issued. Applicants must remit Examination Fee and Certificate Fee through e-Payment. Payment by other modes like e-Chalan, Cash Chalan, Postal Order etc would not be accepted.

Last Date 02-December-2016

Web portal launch for Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department

       Government introduced new web site for Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department (PARD). 

          All the important circulars and Government orders related to this department from 1954 will be available in the site. This will be beneficial for employees as well as general public. 

RBI Circular allowing government departments to draw cash beyond limit

                   The daily cash withdrawal limit through banks, have been limited to Rs. 10,000/-. RBI allowed a relaxation for government departments in this regard. Government Departments may be allowed to draw cash beyond the stipulated limit of Rs.10,000/- in exceptional cases, only on production of evidence justifying their requirements in writing, at the discretion of an officer in the rank of General Manager and above. 

Letter from the Chief General Manager of Reserve bank of India 

Rs 500, Rs 1000 currency notes stand abolished from 11:59 pm of 8.10.2016

                   It has been decided to cancel the legal tender character of the High Denomination bank notes of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 denominations issued by RBI till now. This will take effect from the expiry of the 8th November, 2016.
                   Post offices, banks to open additional counters and extend working hours to accomodate the public. Fake currencies circulation have grown over the years. RBI  launching new currency notes with new designs from November 10. Introducing 2000 rupee note with Mangalyan logo.  A new series of Rs. 500 currency notes also is coming.

The following operational guidelines have been issued:-

  1. Old High Denomination Bank Notes may be deposited by individuals/persons into their bank accounts and/or exchanged in bank branches or Issue Offices of RBI till the close of business hours on 30th December, 2016.
  2. Old High Denomination Bank Notes of aggregate value of Rs.4,000/- only or below held by a person can be exchanged by him/her at any bank
  3. The limit of Rs.4,000/- for exchanging Old High Denomination Bank Notes at bank branches or at issue offices of Reserve Bank of India will be reviewed after 15 days and appropriate notification issued, as may be necessary.
  4. No limit for bank transaction if the account holder complies with the KYC, else , maximum of 50,000/-
  5. Cash withdrawal from a bank account, over the counter will be restricted to Rs.10,000/- subject to an overall limit of Rs. 20,000/- in a week for the first fortnight, i.e., until the end of business hours on November 24, 2016.
  6. There will be no restriction on the use of any non-cash method of operating the account which will include cheques, demand drafts, credit/debit cards,mobile wallets and electronic fund transfer mechanisms.
  7. Withdrawal from ATMs would be restricted to Rs.2,000 per day per card up to November 18, 2016. The limit will be raised to Rs.4,000 per day per card from November 19, 2016 onwards.
  8. Instruction is also being issued for closure of banks and GovernmentTreasuries, on 9th November, 2016.
  9. The bank branches and Government Treasuries will function from 10th November, 2016.
Main points in the PM's speech.

1. All Rs 500 and Rs 1000 are invalid from 11:59pm of 8.10.2016
2. All ATMs will be closed for 9 and 10 October. But no hindrance in net banking.
3.  All other notes and cons are valid.
4. People can deposit back their 500 and 1000 Rs notes in their banks or post office without any extra fee from 10.10.2016 to 30.11.2016 with proper government approved identification proof .
5. From 10.10.2016 to 25.11.2016 there will be provision for exchange of old 500 and 1000 Rs notes in banks and post office with proper government approved identification proof. But the limit of such exchange is 4000 Rs per day.

The following exceptions have been provided for the usage of Rs 500 and 1000 notes till 11:59pm of 11.10.2016:
1. All hospitals
2. Pharmacy(provided the medicine is bought with certified doctor's prescription )
3. Government bus ticket counters
4. Railways ticket counter
5. All domestic and international flight ticket counter
6. Petrol bunks
7. Crematoriums
8. Central Government outlets