This has concurrence of the Election Commission of India which was requested for because model code of conduct has came into effect from 01.03.2011 for the ensuing General Election of the Kerala Legislative Assembly.
In G.O (P) No.86/2011/Fin dated 26/02/2011 Government have issued orders revising Pay and Allowances of University employees of the State
Download a simple excel programme for
new pay and arrear calculation
Thanks to Mr.Shijoy James

Based on GO(p) 85/2011/fin dt 26/02/2011)
Released on 30th April 2011 by
Anirudhan Nilamel, Assistant Director, Directorate of Economics and Statistics
Chandrasenan Mithirmala, Director, Magic Academy.
visit for more details
Software DOWNLOAD 

Thnk you very much
Hearty Welcome.The Best Pay Revision in the History
Thnk you very much
Thnk you very much
I retired from service on 31-8-1998. My basic pension is Rs.5911/- My commuted value is Rs.2364/- I have 27 ears and 4 months service. My previous basic bay is 13270 in the scale of pay of Rs.11070-280-11910-340-13610-380 x x 18450. The present pay scale is Rs.19240-500-21240-560x x x 32110. PLEASE CALCULATE MY MY NEW BASIC PENSION.
iam not satisfid/driver catagory this payrevision is not good.other catagory all are good benifit.drivers salary is very poor.they are hsrd work and with out duty times,so i wish to increse drivers salary.kindly take a nesesery action to the goverment&finance minister
G.O (P) No.143/2011/Fin dated 30/03/2011
Fixation statement link tharamo
pls let me know the link for fixation statement and option form
Is statement of fixation available?
Pay Revision 2009- Fixation statement is not found with the G.O. If you find any link to the fixation statement please provide it so that it may be helpful to many of the employees.
Fixation statement is also with this excel programme. Download it ..
I entered service on 12/7/2004 as peon in revenue department by P.S.C .Again i was selected as LDC in education department through PSC on 18-6-08.I relieved from the last grade service and joined duty as LDC on 18-06-2008. There is no break in service. Whether my last grade service will be counted for weightage for fixation?
my basic payas on july 9390/date of joining03/1998
please let me know the present pay scales of the teachers and other non teaching staff in the schools
GO (MS) NO.80/2011/home
i want to know the latest refixation order details
pls provide link for the government order G.O (P) No. 225 /2011 dated 14-09-2011. it is the order revising the salary of guest lecturers in colleges.
pls provide clarification for the government order G.O (P) No. 225 /2011 dated 14-09-2011. it is the order revising the salary of guest lecturers in colleges. waiting for your immediate response.
i entered in govt service as lgs in judiciary dept on 21/5/2009 and thereafter i got as VEO in rural development department through psc test on 23/12/2009.Then on 13/09/2011 i have joined as ld clerk in pwd department then finally on 26/10/2011 i have joined as statistical assistant-II in ESD. Please let me know what will be my basic in the latest post.Please reply as early as possible
please upload the dept test books
pls provide clarification about guest lecturers salary .waiting for your immediate action
I want to know TA cieling limit of pay revision 2011
i want know thw current salary structure of HSA
Has the last date of pay revision extended from February...? or will it be extended...?
I entered in service on 23/05/2011as peon in court and relived 30/07/2012 and joined duty as LTA in VHSE on 31/07/12.My LPC not transfected though SPARK because probation is not declare and first increment is not sanctioned .Sir plse help me to get Bonus,Salary and Onam Advance
I will complete my 8 yrs of service as U.D.C on 21st Oct 2012 at the scale of 13210-22360. what will be my next scale as i am getting first time bound higher grade.
With Regards,
Scale of pay of LD typist who join the service wef 01-10-2012
Scale of pay of LD typist who join the service wef 01-10-2012
Dear Sir,
Please let me know the salary scale of the Technical Officer (Microbiology) Post of National Coir Research and Management Institute, Trivandrum.
Thanking you
travelling allowance rate,transfer t.a rate
i got promotion as staff nurse gr 1 on 24/08/2013.actually i got 8 yrs time bound grade on 01/12/2012.fixation is done that my doubt is shall i change my annual increment month from december to august
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