In G.O (Ms) No.530/2010/Fin dated 08/10/2010 Government have entrusted the 9th Pay Revision Commission to study and make recommendations on revision of pay and allowances and other benefits of High Court employees confining to the Terms of Reference in G.O (Ms) No.81/2010/Fin dated 20/02/2010.
9th Pay Revision Commission - 2010 REPORT
(For easy downloading the report is made available in five parts in the website)
Important Recommendations by the Commission Report
submitted on 31-12-2010
submitted on 31-12-2010

- Revised rate with effect from 01/07/2009
- Highest rate for Group D category all over India
- Lowest Basic Pay:Rs.8,500/- Highest Rs.59,840/-
- Service weightage @0.5% for each completed years(Maximum 15%)
- Increment Lowest Rs.230/- Highest Rs.1200/-
- DA upto 01/07/2009 (64%) to be merged
- City Compensatory allowance @300 and others like HRA, TA, DA etc 40-50% increase
- New scale for part time contingent employess
- 50% in casual sweepers wages
- 27 Scales in master scale
- Leave Travel concession for state employees (15 years completed)
- Risk Insurance for all eligible category of employess
- Minimum pension Rs.4500/-
- Medical allowance to pensioner increased from 100 to 300
- Gratuity from 3.3 lakhs to 7 lakhs
- Additional quantum of pension who completed 80 years (upto 50%)
- Recommendation for new pension Department
Illustrations for New Basic Calculation
(Case I)
A Class IV Employee having a continuous service of 6 years, drawing a basic
pay of Rs.5250 in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.4510-6230.
Basic pay as on 1.07.2009 5250.00
DA @ 64% 3360.00
Fitment @ 10% of Basic Pay(Subject to a minimum of Rs.1000) 1000.00
Service weightage @ ½% of Basic Pay for each completed year of service 158.00
Total 9768.00
Next stage in the corresponding revised scale of pay 8500-12220 Rs.9940.00
(Net benefit as on on 1.7.2009 Rs.1330/-)
(Case II)
An LD Clerk having 12 years of continuous Service drawing a basic a basic
pay of Rs.7480 in the pre-revised scale of Rs.6680-10790. (TBHG Scale)
Basic pay as on 1.7.2009 - 7480.00
DA @ 64% - 4787.00
Fitment @ 10% Basic Pay (Subject to a minimum or Rs.1000/-) - 1000.00
Service weightage @ ½% for each completed year of service - 449.00
Total 13716.00
Next stage in the corresponding revised scale of Rs.11620-18740 13900.00
(Net benefit as on 1.7.2009 Rs.1633/-)
- Class Four Officer Gr-II 8500-12220
- Class Four Officer Gr-I 8730-12550
- High school HM Higher Grade 21240-34500
- High school HM 20740-33680
- HSST Junior 16180-27140
- HSST Senior 19240-32110
- HSA 14620-23480
- LP/UP Head master 18740-31360
- LPSA/UPSA 11620-18740
- Driver Gr-II 9190-14620
- Driver Gr-I 10480-17420
- Driver Senior Grade 11620-18740
- Librarian Gr-IV 11620-18740
- Librarian Gr-I 20740-33680
- Attender Gr-II 8730-12550
- Attender Gr-I 8960-13210
- LD Clerk 9940-15380
- UD Clerk 13210-20740
- Head Clerk 14620-23480
- Jr.Supdt 16180-27140
- Sr.Supdt 18740-31360
- Administrative Asst 22360-35320
- PSC Asst. 13900-22360
- PSC Asst Sr Grade. 16180-27140
- Agricultural Officer 20740-33680
- Secretariat Asst. 13900-22360
I am a pensioner who retired on 30-06-1999. How to fix pension in the revised order
I am an employee with basic pay of Rs.15130 on 1.7.2009. How can I fix New salary as per the new pay revision. I have twenty years service
i) Basic Pay on 01/07/2009 Rs.15130
ii) Add DR@ 64% Rs.9683
iii)Add Fitment @10% Rs.1513
iv) Add.weightage(20x0.5)% Rs.1513
TOTAL i+ii+iii+iv Rs. 27839
Next Scale in the table Rs.28500/-
(The calculation may not be correct...its all upto my limited knowledge)
I am an employee with basic pay of Rs 9390 on 1.7.2009.How can I fix New salary as per the new pay revision.I have 3 years service
it is not clear how to calculate the service weightage....
Service weightage is calculated by multiplying total completed service in years x 0.5%
(Each completed service carries Half Percentage weightage
1. Basic Pay (pre revised scale)at the Option date You have chosen.
2. 64%of DA to be merged.
3. Fitment Benefit(10% of pre revised basic pay OR minimum of Rs.1000)
4. Total of 1+2+3
5. fix the stage in the revised scale
6. Service weightage : 0.5% for every year of service(suppose u have 6 year of service at the date of option,u have got 3% of revised basic pay as service weightage)
7. Total 5+6
8. fix the stage in the revised scale as u r Basic Pay at the option date.
Basic pay + 64% Da + 10% fitment + 15% weightage comes upto 42265 which exceeds the maximum in the scale
What shall I do?
what about risk allowance? still 30 Rs !!!!!!!
Then Take other next scale ie Rs.42640/- Basic pay
When will the recommendation publish in net?
DA and HRA to the revised pay
Pending DA after merging is 30%
So the DA may be around 18% in the revised scale
HRA can be Rs.500/-(Rural)
CCA 300
I have a different openion in fixing the pay :- Servicce weightage may be .5% of the basic pay on pre revised scale on the date of option
what is the pay scale of band police constable in 9th pay revision? what are the allavances recommanded for them?
my salary on 1.7.2009 is 9790
my service from 4.12.1993
so 15 yerars
how my basic calulated
my office in rual
so how much my hra
how much total salary incuding all allowance in 2011 april
my salary on 1.7.2009 is 9790
my service from 4.12.1993
so 15 yerars
how my basic calulated
my office in rual
so how much my hra
how much total salary incuding all allowance in 2011 april
To Santhosh:
Basic Pay 9790+
DR@64% 6266
Fitment(10% or 1000 higher) 1000
7.5% Service weightage 734
Total= 9790+6266+1000+734=> 17790
Next Stage in scale: 17860
So ur new basic may be 17860 (Not Sure)
Why HSSTs are neglected by giving them the basic pay of 19240/- instead of 20740/-The difference in basicpay of HSA (14620)& LP/UPSA(11620) is 3000/- but the difference is a mere )1560/- b/w HSA & HSSTJr(16180).Why this contradiction???
weightage recommended based on the pre-revised scales is cheating the employees
Just weight for the official release. Our govt. will always take steps to favor the employees. Be patient.
my basic is7000 on 1-7-2009
i am a upsa . which is my starting basic pay acording to pay revision 2010.joining date 6.6.2007
I am UD clerk in Aided College
Basic Pay as on 01/07/2009 is Rs.7320/-
entry into service on 12/01/1993
basic pay 7000on 1-7-2009
post upsa
date of enttry in the service 6-6-2007
which is my new basic according to pay revision
Official Reported posted Please download it from the home page or finance department official web site.
I am a state pensioner, my present pension is 6771 what is my present pension as per the revision.
Present pension details
pension 6771-2257(commutation)=4514
DA 94% 6365
Medical allowance 100
Total 10979
My present pension is
pension 6771-2257(commutation)=4514
DA 94% ----------------------= 6365
Medical allowance------------= 100
What is my present pension as per the 2010 pay revision
My salary on 2007 is 9790.My service from 2007 (UD scale) .How my basic calulated?how much total salary incuding all allowance in 2011 april ? (BAHULEYAN,KOLLAM)
basic pay on 1-7-2009 9390
post C.A
date of entry in service 09-09-2002
which is my new basic pay according to pay revision 2010
basic pay on 1-7-2009 -21200
post deputy secretary promoted as joint secretary on 16.02.2010.
date of entry in service 16.08.1981
which is my new basic pay according to pay revision 2010
entyry in service2003sep now my pay is 9590 next increment date is sep 10which is my benefit option date what will be my slary
I am Lab/asst desire to get uniform & risk allowance but not recommended please consider as chemistry dpt.
Please mention ur pay on 01/07/2009 and total service
entyry in service as hsa sep2003 now my pay is 9590 next increment date is sep 22which is my benefit option date what will be my slary
what will be the new basic pay of the leading fireman in kerala fire and rescue services for 9 years on 1.07.09 (incriment november)
Basic pay on 1.07.2009 =7320
To Narayanan:
You have 7 yrs service
Particulars Amount
Basic 9590
DA@64% 6138
Fitment@10% or 1000 1000
Service Weightage 7 335.65
ToTal 17063.65
So your new scale is Rs.17420/-
Basic :9590
To Leading Fireman: 9yrs service
Basic 7320
DA@64% 4685
Fitment@10% or 1000 1000
Service Weightage 9 329.4
ToTal 13334.4
Next Stage in the Scale 13540
My salary on 8/2007 is service from aug2007 (UD scale) .after 3 months I took LWA 5 years for working abroad. So my net service is zero years.How did my basic calulated?how much total salary I will get? I want to rejoin in service recently.plz give me a reply.(BAHULEYAN,KOLLAM)
Govt have done well in unifying the pay scales of Universities.Appointment through PSC will tackle the corrupt practices of Syndicates/Committees.Universities in past misused the "autonomy" and mounted up the pay scales ,setting aside the Audit Objections.
I am an employee under kerala Govt undertaking.getting salary as the scale in my institution.Promoted as officer and got salary as govt scale as on 28.07.2009.Shall I get salary hike like fitment and weightage?
narayanan Kamco.
Anonymous said...
I didnt get you. UD scale is not 9790.So u must check ur basic 1st.
1. Let 9790 is ur basic
Basic 9790
DA@64% 6266
Fitment@10% 1000
ToTal 17056
New Basic should be 17420
2. Let ur in UD scale(6680-10790)
Basic 6680
DA@64% 4275
Fitment@10% 1000
ToTal 11955
UD Clerk New scale 13210-20740
as recommended the previous pay commission report,weightage must be granted one increment for 4 years complete service. shamsu Thrissur
I entered service on 01/03/1991.My present basic pay is 10790.My revised scale of pay is 14620-23480.let me know the right pay fixation.revised HRA is 250.
Basic 10790
Add 64% 6906
Add 10% Fitment 1079
Add 9%Service weightage 971
Total 19746
Next in scale: 20740 (New Basic)
I entered service on 01/03/1991.My increment date is 01/10/2010 and my present basic pay is 10790. My revised scale of pay is 14620-23480.I Wish to know the correct pay fixation. Revised HRA IS 250.
I entered service on 27/09/2001.My increment date is01/12/2010 and my present basic pay is 7650. revised scale of pay is 11620-18740. I wish to know the correct pay fixation. Revised HRA is 250.
I entered service on 02/11/2002.My increment date is 01/08/2010. basic pay on 01/08/2010.My revised scale of pay is 14620-23480. I wish to know the right pay fixation. revised HRA is 250.
BASIC AS ON 01/07/2009--------- 7650
DR64% AS ON 01/07/2009--------- 4896
FITMENT BENEFIT 10%------------ 1000
WEIGHTAGE @ 0.5%--------------- 306
TOTAL------------------------------------- 13852
NEW BASIC----------------------------- 13900
You haven't mentioned your Basic pay as on 01/07/2009
My basic salary on 8/2007 is service from aug 2007 as pharmacist grade-2.after 3 months I took LWA 5 years for working abroad. So my net service is zero years.How did my basic calulated?how much total salary I will get after salar increment in april 2011? I want to rejoin in service recently.please give me a reply.
Pharmacist Gr. II
Existing :6680-10790
Revised Recommended :11620-18740
But UD Clerk of 6680-10790 revised to
So your salary may also come to this range(If government fixes so)
how to calculate 5% increase in the basic pension to who retired while in service during the period from01.03.2002 to30.06.2004
I am a police constable with a service of 10 years ( including training period). I have received my first time bound higher grade and in the grade I have also received my 1st increment and my basic pay is 7650/- as on December, 1, 2010. what will be my basic pay. It may be noted that the our training period is not calculated for payment benefits.( Date of joining service 27.11.2000). What will be our new DA...
5% Revision for pensioners
You can download excel file from this link
from Download forms=>Treasury Forms=>27th Form
Just fill your basic pay (all will come automatically)
Pl.issue methods of fixation of revised pension to a an existing pensioner .
I have retired on 31.3.2005 in the scale 11910-340-13610-380-16650-450-19350 Last Pay-17550 Q/S;32 Years,2 Months,5 Days.Net Q/S-33
ears.Ave.Pay=Rs.16916.30/-Desgn-Supdt of Survey(H/G).Pension-8459/-.Pension Commutted-2819/- Reduced Pension-Rs.5640.
To Pappan:
Basic Pay: 8459
DA@64% 5414
Fitment@12% 1016
New Basic 14889
The corresponding revised scale of 11070 is 19240.while fixing we get 19262/-. How can correct this problem?
As on 1.7.09 my basic pension was Rs.7146. What is my new basic pension?
As on 1.7.09 my basic pension was Rs.5955. What is my new basic pension?
any pay revision calculator available ?
I am upsa having 13 year service how to calculate my salary?
I am HSA 1.6.2009 i have completed 13 years. the present basic pay is 11630. Present HRA and CCA 600 and 120 respectively. Please help me to calculate the salary
I am UPSA entered on 1-6-2007.Last increment date is 1-6-2010.present basic pay is 7160.My revised scale is 11620-20240.I wish to know the correct fixation
i am LPSA entered on 1-6-2009. last increment date is on 1-6-2010. present basic pay is 6840. please help to calculate the salary.
I am join on scale of pay is
7990-12930.i want to know my new basic pay
I am an HSA entered on 9-7-1991.present basic pay is 12590. please help me to calculate the salary
I am a UPSA entered on 21-06-1990.present basic pay is 10790. please help me to calculate my salary
I have retired on 31.3.2007 in the scale 9190-200-9590-240-10790-280-11910-340-13610.
My Last Pay -10310
YearsNet Q/S-25
Desgn-A.S.I of police(GEN)
Pension Commutted-1690/-
Reduced Pension-Rs.2536/-
Present DA 94% = 3973
Medical allowance = 100
What is my present pension as per the 2010 pay revision
My basis pension will be 7166 and the commutation will be 2866 and the medical alowance will be 100, what should be my new pension post revision , please help me out
P sundaran
My Basic Pay is 7000 as on 01/07/2009
Date of entry in service 27/06/2003
What is my present salary as per 9th pay revison.
I am an HSST whojoined service on 9/6/2002. Basic pay on 1/7/2009 as per revised scale calculated as 24660.What will be my basic on acquiring higher grade? 8 yrs service completed in june 2010. scale for HSST 19240-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32110
HSST (higher grade)20740-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-33680)
has the salary of fireman unified with police?
Hi, I am Rani.I am an LPSA(6680-10790) entered on service 7-7-2004.pre BP is 7480 on BP is scale is 11620-20240.I will complete 8yrs in july to calculate Grade and which is the most beneficial option date? 1-7-2009 or 1-7-2012.
I have uploaded a simple excel programme for new pay calculation. You can use that for new pay and arrear processing
Not seen uploaded. Plz upload
i retired in 2004. where can i get the G.O for calculating my pension as per recommendations of pay commission 2011 orders
dept.: Fire & Rescue Service
name of post: fireman
date of entry in service : 27.04.2005
pre revised basic salary(2009 July):Rs.5890
what is my new salary ?.
i took vrs on 30-9-09.
basic pay- 12590
service-31 yrs.
actual date of retirement-31-3-2015
how to fix my pension?
scale of pay- 9190-15510
iam radha working as alab attander gr 1 1.07.2009 my basic pay Rs 5380 please calculete my pay rivision salary
I am rejibalachandran joined as policeconstable inthe year i995 and completed training on 1995 nov .I got promotion on1999 march as my basic pay is an i calculate new scale of pay and how i apply for grade option
I am an UP School HM.
Date of Joining 12/08/1981
Retiement Date 31/03/2012
Leave without salary(LWA) 9yrs
Pay as on 01/07/2009: 10790
Completed Years as on 01/07/2009: 18yrs
Next increment date 01/08/2009 (coplete 19yrs as on 05/08/2009)
Pay after incrment on 01/08/2009: 11070
Present Basic: 11350
Kindly let me know how to fix my revised salary.
Renu said...
I am a LPSA entered on 1-06-1994.present basic pay is 9830 ON 1.06. 2009. please help me to calculate my salary
I am an UP School HM.
Date of Joining 12/08/1981
Retiement Date 31/03/2012
Leave without salary(LWA) 9yrs
Pay as on 01/07/2009: 10790
Completed Years as on 01/07/2009: 18yrs
Next increment date 01/08/2009 (coplete 19yrs as on 05/08/2009)
Pay after incrment on 01/08/2009: 11070
Present Basic: 11350
Kindly help me to fix my revised salary.
i am lpsa.10 year service.lastbasicpay(2010)9190.please fix my salary
my basic is 11350(OLD)entry in service is 29/08/2009. iam agricultural officer.what is my new salary as per new pay fixation
Date of Joining 14/10/1980
Retiement Date 30/06/2003
Date of Joining 30/06/1984
Retiement Date 30/06/2008
I am typist gr.1 at directorate of sports & youth affairs department date of joining on
25-7-1982 retirement date date on 31-3-2016 qulifying service on 1-7-2009 - 28 years, my basic pay as 10310 on 1-7-2009. what is my new pay scale and basic pay.please(my existing pay scale 7990-12930) send to my
sir, now I am working as HSST(Jr.)from 18/03/2011
I joined as HSA on 08/01/2003
due to promotion I opted 8 yrs grade on 08/01/2011
instead of my increment date on 01/07/2011
now my basic after grade fixation is 10070
this scale is above HSST(Jr.) scale
sugst me an option in fixation based on 28(a) rule
joined Kerala University on 3rd Feb 1996. Basic pay as on 1st July, 2009 is 9590. Increment date Ist March. Promoted as Section Officer on 10th March 2011. Kindly fix my salary
Please provide us a software link for calculation of arrears of pension revision for those who retired before July 2009
I joined duty as Overseer GR.III(5650-8790) in Harbour Engineering Department on 10.04.2006. Then I relieved from there on 30.06.2009 to join PWD as IInd Grade overseer(6680-10790) via PSC appointment . I relieved again from there on 15.02.2010 to join as Ist grade overseer(7990-12930) in LSGD via PSC appointment. How to fix my pay?
I am a family pensioner who retired on basic pay is 2533. How to fix pension in the revised order
joining 20-7-2005
presnt new scale 11620-18740
which one is benefical?
how to calculate pension as per the new order 2011
I am an HSA with 7 yrs of service. Am I eligible to get grade this year?
i joined in service as L D clerk in 2001 in revenue dept & worked for three months and entered in LWP for 5 yrs. It is extended till now. I would like to know what will be my salary n other benefits if I resume to job now?
My name is T.R.BALU. I entered in PWD as second grade draftsman on 9.2.1983. I was promoted as first grade draftsman on 1.2.1998. I was entered on L.W.A. on 21.7.1998 having a service of 15 years 5 months & 11 days. Now I wish to rejoin in my home department cancelling L.W.A. Which scale of pay is eligible for me if I opting 2nd time bound higher grade of second grade draftsman?
please give me a reply against my comment starting !! My name is T.R.BALU ................on dated November 12, 2011
what is the pay scale of freshly appointed Assistant engineer in Local self government department(LSGD)
In kerala, the Agriculture officer should be fix or parmenant in agriculture university
7990-12930(Prerevised) what my in hand salary
I am a teacher (HSA) having 22years service.Joining date 24/11/1989.Due to inter district transfer i lost 33/4 years seniority.The seniority in present district is 18 years.In hm seniority list my number is 1055.And now i have a chance to join in hsst.What decesion i must take?
I have completed 11 years of service. Out of which 6 years, I have been on LWA. Would I be eligible to get minimum pension if I decide to retire? How much it would be? Currently I am a UD Clerk in Revenue Dept
when is the first grade for aided high school teacher in kerala?
I have completed 11 years of service. Out of which 6 years, I have been on LWA. Would I be eligible to get minimum pension if I decide to retire? How much it would be? Currently I am a UD Clerk in Revenue Dept
what is the pay scale for upsa for recently joined teacher .how total salary calculated how much is the DA and HRA
kurachu kadam thyarumo????
kanakku koottan polum ariyatha thanano ee panikk nikkunnath
For Hsst teachers basic pay recommended by rama chandran nair committee is 41500. But For HSA its only 30700 . An hsst have period in between 16 to 24 in a weak . Also a HSA have minimum 24periods in one week. but in salary there is a big difference compared to the previous basic salary.
( Previous salary of HSST 20740 and for HSA basic is 15380)
Pls reply How many special allowances of Driver grade-I for Taluk Supply Office, Aluva(civil supplies department)
would like to know what will be the net salary (in split up) of an UD Clerk at the beginning of the scale?
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